New Mexico Wildfire Information (maps, alerts, etc.)

IniciWeb – Map of active wildfires, floods, and other emergency incidents

Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Resources – Information on post-fire hazards and response operations

NMFWRI New Mexico Fire Viewer – Interactive map of active and historic wildfires, along with vegetation treatments

AirNow Fire and Smoke Map – Interactive map of smoke and air quality conditions

Hermits Peak and Calf Canyon Fires – Interactive Storymap including evacuation notices, daily fire progression, and forest closures

New Mexico Fire Restrictions – List of active fire restrictions throughout public and private lands in New Mexico

NMHU Fire Info – List of NMHU resources for residents affected by the Hermits Peak and Calf Canyon fires

Zoom Earth – Map of active fire, heat source, wind direction, and weather

Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Post-Fire Response – Map of burn severity, erosion risk, and FEMA flood zones

Hermits Peak & Calf Canyon BAER – Rapid assessment of burned watersheds to identify imminent post-wildfire threats to human life and safety, property, and critical natural or cultural resources

NM Flood – Information regarding flooding and flood awareness in New Mexico

NM Debris Flows – Storymap documenting and describing post-fire debris flows in New Mexico

NM WRAP – Map showing wildfire risk in New Mexico

Pre-fire Preparation (e.g., defensible space, thinning, etc.)

EMNRD Ready, Set, Go – Fire prevention program describing the three phases of wildfire preparedness

EMNRD Living with Fire – Guide for New Mexico homeowners with recommendations and resources to prepare for wildfire and reduce wildfire threats to homes and communities

National Fire Protection Association – Guide for preparing homes for wildfires

Fire Adapted NM – Resources for wildfire preparedness

NM Fire Info – Resources explaining how to prepare your home and property before a wildfire’

Colorado State Forest Service Protecting Your Home from Wildfire – Creating wildfire-defensible zones

Oregon State University Extension Service – A land manager’s guide for creating fire-resistant forests

Pacific Northwest Extension Know Your Forest – A guide to reducing fire risk on your property

New Mexico Forest and Climate Change Workshop: A Summary – 12-page summary of the New Mexico Forest Stewards Guild workshop on managing forests in the face of climate change

Post-fire Restoration and Rehabilitation (e.g., contour felling, tree planting, potential funding sources)

Contour Log Felling – Description of the practice of contour log felling to reduce water runoff and erosion in post-fire landscapes

Post-fire Stabilization and Rehabilitation – Description of rehabilitation practices to reduce environmental impacts immediately after wildfire

Post-fire Forest and Tree Recovery – Presentation regarding post-fire ecological successional trajectories and timelines

An Introduction to Induced Meandering – An illustrated field guide to slow water flow, prevent erosion, and improve infiltration

NM Healthy Soil Working Group – A landowner’s guide to biochar production and application

Fire History and Fire Climate Relationships

Fire Effects in Southwestern Forests – Papers on the history of wildfire and the wildfire/climate relationship in Santa Fe Municipal Watershed and the Jemez Mountains; a potential insight into the fate of the Gallinas Watershed and why the Hermit’s Peak/Calf Canyon Fire raged the way it did

Forest After Fire – Restoration and Regrowth – Frontline Wildfire Defense webpage on fire effects on plant and animal communities

FEMA Flood Hazard Viewer – Interactive map showing local flood risk

Community Resources and PublicationsResources and Tools