Research Overview 

FORT CREST research broadly aims to develop strategies for the management and restoration of resilient forests in New Mexico and the Southwest in the context of climate change and fire. It engages faculty, students, professional partners, and local communities to provide innovative research and learning opportunities identifying forest management and restoration approaches at three integrated levels: tree, stand, and landscape.

Our long-range research goals include the following:

  1. Determine if the use of a nucleation planting strategy matched with an improved seedling stocktype is a viable and cost-effective method to successfully establish vegetation on damaged forest sites.
  2. Identify strategies for effective/efficient management and restoration of frequent-fire forests, thus enhancing ecosystem services and reducing the risk of catastrophic fires.
  3. Link forest health and ecosystem services through adaptive ecosystem management to pre- and post-fire management.
  4. Increase student recruitment, retention, and competency through an integrated, field-based curriculum.

For more detailed information, see the Projects page.

ResearchResearch Overview